Moms in Christ

You are invited to attend Moms in Christ, a ministry of Cornerstone Baptist Church. Our purpose is to support mothers in our community by providing weekly Christian fellowship and Bible study. We meet every Tuesday from 10:00 to 12 noon in the Youth Room. Childcare is provided and we have special activities for the children each week.

We are located at 1100 W. Highland Blvd. in Inverness, FL. For more information call the church office at 726-7335 or by email at

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hi moms,

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving! Although, everyday is "thanksgiving" when you have Christ in your life...I hope you enjoyed the day with friends and family!

This Tuesday the "Safety of Self Control" is our topic of discussion. What prefect timing... God is so good. It's so easy for things to get out of control during the holiday season...I've heard people say that they eat too much, spend too much, worry too much...I'm certain that none of us do that! Tuesday, we'll talk about what God's word says; what his good an perfect will is for our life.

See you Tuesday and have a great weekend!


"Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights" James 1:17a

Friday, November 20, 2009

Book Recommendation

Chris Pappas gives this book an enthusiastic thumbs up! Check it out!

Hi moms!

Detective Pruitt put together a great presentation for us this past Tuesday. It was a little overwhelming to hear some of the statistics. I hope you found the information useful and feel better informed on how to protect your children when they use the internet. I know I do.

If you know of a family who needs help buying Christmas gifts for their children, please let Elba know and she will add them to the "Angel Tree".

Give Thanks!.......This Tuesday Nov 24th is our Thanksgiving Day Brunch. Please bring a dish to share if you are able. If you forgot what you signed up to bring, email me or give me a call . We will also be making prayer journals and Amanda will be leading that craft. Remember to encourage and lift one another up in prayer daily. "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again; Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7

Have a blessed week.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Blessing of Children

Hi moms,

This month our topic of discussion is "The Blessing of Children". This week we learned 10 ways to love our children, based on the book "A Woman's High Calling", by Elizabeth George. We also talked about discovering our children's love language, based on the book by Gary Chapman, "The Five Love Languages of Children." "Ultimately, our most important job as moms is to lead our children to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, their eternity depends on it."

Don't forget your homework assignment this week! Observe your children and find their primary love language.

Next Tuesday, guest speaker Chris Pappas will continue our disscusion on "The Blessing of Children". Hope to see you there, you won't want to miss it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wow! Look at this beautiful basket! Thank you to all of you who contributed baby items for Tonya and Karissa today at MIC! What a blessing! Also, a big thank you to the "Crafty Ladies" at Cornerstone for the adorable prayer blankets and nursing covers! Isn't it gorgeous?!Katie Rockett shared her creative side with us and walked us through this fun craft. Great sticky fun!
While we worked on our craft, we had Anita Renfroe on the screen.
She's's a sample...

Monday, October 19, 2009

A message from Pastor Greg:

Dear Moms and Grandmothers,

On January 30, 2010 we will be hosting a very special conference entitled "A Passion For Jesus." This one day conference is especially targeted to young ladies ages 12 through college age. Moms and grandmothers are encouraged to attend with their daughters.

There's plenty of time to register, and we'll provide brochures and the opportunity to do that over the next couple of months, but I would encourage you to go to their website and check it out, then put it on your calendar as a priority. This one day event will have a lasting impact on your daughter / granddaughter. It is led by other young ladies they can really identify and connect with, and the relational and spiritual implications are huge.

Go to and check it out. Bruce will share more about the conference as the time draws closer, but I know how busy all of our schedules can be and want to get it into your calendars now so you will not miss it!

Pastor Greg

Friday, October 16, 2009

What a fun and diverse group of ladies we had with us at MIC this past Tuesday! Thank you for spending your morning with us!

Our "homework" last week was to purposefully look for ways to cherish and prize our husbands. We were challenged to focus on the good and praiseworthy things that our husbands do instead of dwelling on the less important things like the laundry in the corner, the toilet seat up or the endless "to do" list that he can't keep up with.

Ellen Bland led our study and did a wonderful job! We had lots of laughs and we are so thankful for her.

Next Tuesday we will be presenting 2 moms with baskets full of baby items. Karissa is a first time mom and Tonya will be welcoming her 7th baby soon! If you are able, could please bring in baby items for this occasion? Diapers, baby wipes, onesies, toys and such would be a blessing to these ladies.

What a great God we serve! We pray that you are enjoying your mornings out with "Moms In Christ".

Have a wonderful weekend and praise God for the things He has done!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hi Moms!
Check out these great upcoming events!

Oct 17 - "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" This is a fun walk sponsered by the American Cancer Society. Registration begins at 9:00am at Liberty park. You walk 3 miles on Rails to Trails. Free lunch is included at the end of the walk.

Nov 14th - "Toward a Growing Marriage Conference" with Dr. Gary Chapman at Idlewild Baptist Church from 9:00am - 4:00pm. Register for group rate tickets through Cornerstone by calling 726-7335. Group rate tickets are $40.00 or you can call Idlewild at 866-569-5262. Regular ticket cost is $50.00 per person.

Jan 30th - "A Passion For Jesus Girl's Conference" Ages 12 - through college age. Moms are welcome. It's a live conference at Cornerstone Baptist Church, Inverness 9:00am - 5:00pm. Speakers include Chrissie Priest, Laurie Talbert, Elizabeth Knopp, Lauren Rose, and Sharon Kelly. Cost of the event TBA.

Mar - Date TBA we will plan our church wide baby shower to help the Life Choice Care Center. More info to follow.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What a blessing to see new faces each week at Moms In Christ! This Tuesday we had some great discussion as we dove into "Feminine Appeal". We will be focusing on Titus 2 in our discussion times and prayerfully considering how we can be all that God has for us to be as we share our different life experiences with each other.

Let us remind you of the Ewomen's event coming up at Cornerstone in September! Get your tickets, bring a friend and prepare for a great time of worship!
Extraordinary Women

Thursday, September 10, 2009

This past Tuesday, we had a wonderful time of fellowship. Judy Johnson shared a little of her testimony and her heart for women's ministries. There are so many opportunities for us to reach out to the women in this community, there's work to be done in this city. Doni B and Katie were the ticket winners to the Ewomen09 event, which is scheduled for Sept 26th at CBC; tickets are $15.00 and include lunch and refreshments.

We also talked about starting a quiet time; taking 10-15 minutes in the morning or when the kids are napping to read the Bible and be still laundry, no washing clothes, no dusting, etc. Just be still and talk to and listen for God's word. Next week we will look Titus 2:3-5 and see what the Bible says about what a godly wife, mother and woman looks like.

Have a great week!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tickets are now available for the Extraordinary Women Conference "Free to be Real" on Saturday, September 26th. Cornerstone will be hosting this event via Satellite. The cost for the ticket is $15 which will include lunch. This year's conference is filled with amazing worship and inspiring stories from some of the most influential Christian leaders including: Anita Renfroe, Candace Cameron, Karen Kingsbury and Nancy DeMoss.

Performers include: Charles Billingsley Kathy Troccoli and Children of the World Choir. When ordinary women come into the presence of God, extraordinary things happen! Join thousands of women across the nation as they celebrate what is means to truly understand that we are "Free to be Real".

Please call the church office for payment information at 726-7335.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our First Get-Together

Today at Moms In Christ we were blessed with so many new faces and we rejoiced at visitng with old friends.

A lovely buffet was enjoyed by all, complete with a chocolate fountain! Yummy treats are always involved!

Gaye Stokes, representing Citrus Right to Life, came to speak to the ladies about all the various ways to help raise awareness of the value of human life. We were challenged to pray for and meet the needs of so many in our community.

Lori graciously shared her heart and her vision for Moms In Christ. We pray that all who come to this place will find hope, encouragement, friendship and strength to help us grow in our relationship to Christ.